Old Paper Texture



Old Paper Texture

A musical home away from home

Choosing this island for our studio was a practical decision to ​escape distractions and refocus on what truly matters: music.

Here in Sardinia, away from the noise and chaos of everyday ​life, we can immerse ourselves fully in our craft. Surrounded ​by untouched nature and the calming presence of the ​Mediterranean, the isolation gives us the freedom to explore ​new ideas and experiment without interruption.

7 minute walk from the studio

Old Paper Texture

beauty meets musical innovation

Here, amidst the tranquility of the island, we've created a space where ​creativity meets innovation. Our recording equipment ensures pristine ​sound quality and endless possibilities for sonic exploration. From high-​end microphones to top-of-the-line monitors, we have everything we need ​to bring your musical vision to life. And with access to the latest ​software and plugins, we're able to push the boundaries of what's ​possible in music production.

Whether we're capturing the natural acoustics of the environment or ​experimenting with electronic soundscapes, our studio is equipped to ​handle it all with precision and finesse.

Our main focus is movie scoring, recording, mixing, mastering, co-​productions & music retreats.

Old Paper Texture
Old Paper Texture


April 23 - April 28 2024



Ruede Hagelstein / Sam Shure / Skala / Tooker / GiZ

This is an all inclusive retreat focused entirely on you, ​your tracks and upgrading your skills,

The coaches will be spending everyday working one on one ​with you and a handful of other participants.

for more infos: sonarstudiosardinia@gmail.com

Old Paper Texture
Old Paper Texture




Loc. Spalmatore SNC

Carloforte, 09014, ITALY

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+39 3517646296

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